Combat Anatomy: Highlights
1 min read

Combat Anatomy: Highlights

Combat Anatomy: Highlights

While we share a lot with the classic JRPG Combat System, we wanted to bring something fresh to it, depth over complexity for players to build strategies and make meaningful decisions.

Each team can have from one up to three Letalis

Letalis take turns in order according to their speed value, fastest Letalis acting first.

Combat Skills are defined by the Letalis equipment, and they can unlock more by leveling up, which also works differently than other games: we use the word “rank” for levels, every time a Letalis wins a combat against a Letalis of the same or higher rank, they rank up!

Also, when a Letalis loses a combat, they permanently die! That is the reason behind why we decide to have a fast paced flow for combats and level progression.